UV Flame Detector-雷射瓦斯、火焰偵測器測試燈、沼氣發電、天然氣洩漏偵測器-泰宇國際



UV Flame DetectorUV-185/5CZ 火焰偵測器

UV Flame Detector
UV Flame Detector




Sense-Ware UV火焰偵測器 專為Zone 2提供最好的保護而設計。
UV-185/5CZ 可偵測所有類型的碳氫化合物與氫氣的火災,且無出現錯誤警報的可能性,為Zone 2與安全區域的工業與商業提供了經濟實惠的解決方案。
視窗上的反射環有助於使用Sense-Ware的測試燈時輕鬆進行測試。搭載氣壓補償元件 (PCE),可防止水分侵入損壞電子零件。
Sense-Ware 火焰偵測器具同類產品中絕佳性能,且提供業界內最長的5年保固。


  1. UV感應器
  2. 耐腐蝕玻璃纖維
  3. 非致燃性Zone 2
  4. 極佳耐候性
  5. 繼電器與4-20 mA輸出
  6. 自動與手動測試模式
  7. 5年保固
  8. 通過ATEX、IECEx與FM3611證認
  9. 通過EN54-10與FM3260認證
  10. 適用於Zone 2 與安全區域
  11. 低耗電


  1. 電池儲藏室
  2. 無塵室‧冷藏儲存
  3. 引擎測試模組‧通風櫃
  4. 氣瓶櫃‧汽油/燃氣機房
  5. 化學品加熱室‧室內化學品儲存場所
  6. 室內化學品、燃料或溶劑儲存場所
  7. 室內碳氫化合物儲存與加工
  8. 電訊基地台室與功率分配器
  9. 實業室‧機械監控
型號 UV-185/5CZ Flame Detector
光譜範圍 185 ~ 260nm
最大範圍 23m (75 ft) / 0.09m2 (1平方英尺)庚烷盤火
反應時間 < 10秒
視角 90° x 90°
使用電源 10 ~ 28 VDC
電流 (正常狀態下)
25 mA / 24 VDC (自檢時為75 mA)
± 35 mA / 24 VDC
暖機時間 < 10秒
類比訊號 0 ~ 20 mA
自動測試 每小時1次
手動測試 可以 (請參閱說明書)
外殼 玻璃纖維

-25℃ ~ +70℃ (危險區域)

-40℃ ~ +70℃ (安全區域)
使用濕度範圍 0 ~ 95% (無結箱)
保護等級 IP65
重量 465g
尺寸 125 X 80 X 57 mm
The SENSE-WARE UV Flame Detector utilizes a microprocessor for sophisticated electronic signal analysis. The ultraviolet flame detector is suitable for indoor and outdoor applications. Because of its non-corrosive housing it is suitable for indoor industrial areas were corrosion may play a role. UV (Ultraviolet) energy is emitted by almost every fire; both hydrocarbon and non- hydrocarbon fires. The Ultraviolet Flame Detector will alarm to Arc Welding. To prevent unwanted alarms, for example, electric arcs and or uncovered halogen lamps, the delay time for an alarm is 8-10 seconds. This is sufficient for 90% of the applications. The UV Flame Detector is suitable for applications that include Hydrogen, Radio Amplifier and Antennas but also Heating Rooms for chemicals and Inside Fume hoods in laboratories. A self-test is performed every hour to make sure the sensor and electronics operate well. A Test Lamp is available for regular inspections and end-to-end testing.


  1. Sensitive to virtually all fires including Hydrogen Flames
  2. The UV flame detector is resistant to artificial- and sunlight
  3. Automatic sensor test
  4. Ultraviolet flame detectors are suitable for indoor and outdoor applications Operating temp.: -40 to +70°C (in Safe Area’s only)
  5. GRP housing
  6. Relay output for Alarm and Fault
  7. Sinking 4-20 mA output (stepped)
  8. CPR-EN54-10 certified
  9. FM class 3260 approved
  10. ATEX certified: II 3G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc, II 3D Ex tc IIIC T 71°C Dc IP65, ambient temp.: -25° to +70°C
  11. cFMus class 3611 (Nonincendive, Class I, II and III, Div 2), ambient temp.: -25° to +70°C
  12. California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) listed
  13. 5 Year WARRANTY


  1. UV-185/5CZ, with CPR/EN54-10 approval and suitable for ATEX cat. 3 for zone 2/22, FM class 3260 and cFMus class 3611 Approved.


  1. Data Sheet (pdf)
  2. Manual (pdf)


  1. CPR/EN54-10 (pdf)
  2. ATEX cat. 3 for zone 2/22 (pdf)
  3. FM class 3611 and 3260 (pdf)


  1. CSFM

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