Oil and Gas Pipelines/Pumping/Compressor Stations 石油與天然氣管線與整壓站
Gas pipelines, oil pipelines and pumping stations may be part of a chemical plant or may be used for long distance transport of oil or gas
天然氣或石油管線與整壓站可能會在化工廠內,長期輸送石油 或天然氣
Typical Risks 標準風險
Accidental Spill fires
洩漏意外火災 -
High-and Low-Pressure fires
高壓與低壓火災 -
Rupture of manifolds or pipe joints
岐管或主管道連接處斷裂 -
Arson 縱火
Typical Considerations 標準注意事項
Monitoring valves, pumps, metering equipment and pipe joints
需監控閥門、幫浦、流量計與管道連接處 -
Typically a Zone 2/Division 2 operation, connecting with Zone 1/Division 1 operations
通常是在Zone 2/Division2與Zone 1/Division1的交界處
Recommendations 推薦使用