Battery Rooms/Data Communications
Battery storage rooms are typically ventilated roomsfor a variety of applications in which battery back up is necessary, such as data communications, electric vehicle charging, etc. 電池儲存室通常設計為通風室,用於需要以電池為備用能源的應用,例如資料傳輸、電動汽車充電等。
Typical Risks 標準風險
· Short circuits or battery overcharging
· Overheating by batteries linked in series串聯所產生的過熱現象
· Potential release of Hydrogen, which is an invisible flame 無形中釋放氫氣,潛在的火災風險
Typical Considerations 標準注意事項
Flaming fires but also smoldering fires are to be expected 具明火與悶燒的風險
Hydrogen gas detectors should be installed as well, for monitoring lead acid batteries
應安裝氫氣偵測器,以監控鉛酸電池 -
Quick response required for shut down of critical processes